Mental Model 24: Feynman Technique
@ Prince Namwali | Sunday, Jan 24, 2021 | 1 minutes read | Update at Wednesday, Mar 3, 2021

Ultimately its about teaching what you learn to others. Its an active way of learning vs passive learning (taught in schools, just consume information like robots)

  1. Choose a concept you are interested in learning
  • The keyword is *interest , without it anything you learn wont stick
  1. Teach it to someone else
  • I dont know the true source of the quote, but it reads “if you cant explain it a 6 year old, you dont understand it.”
  • By teaching you get to learn it twice
  1. Return to the source material if you get stuck
  • This could be the documentation, a podcast, a book, lecture notes
  1. Simplify your explanation and create analogies
  • The human brain thinks in picture, but we speak in words. Images play a great role. Loci is a great memory aid
  • Simplify until it become painstakingly obvious
  • Simplicity is a proxy of understanding or as i like to put it, simplicity synergizes comprehenstion (find an s word to form the perfect alliteration)

Its the T in the FAST acronym of the Kwik Brain podcast (episode 1). If you want to learn anything faster and remember, teach it to someone else. By teaching it, you get to learn it twice

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Welcome to my Second Brain! My name is Prince Kaizen Namwali, an Afropolitan from the warm heart of Africa. I am a Lifelong Learner, Digital Nomad & Game Dev.

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