Jah Patriarch
@ Prince Namwali | Wednesday, Feb 3, 2021 | 1 minutes read | Update at Wednesday, Mar 3, 2021

Government is the stronghold, all must obey

The laws are flimsy, there is room to play

Lets make prostitution legal, the verdict - strip clubs

Lets make speeding legal, the verdict - car races

Lets makes stealing legal, the verdict - ethical hacking and surveillance capitalism

Lets make fighting legal, the verdict MMA sports

Lets make killing legal, the verdict - army, armed police & death penalty

Lets make tax evasion legal. the verdict - the power to monopolize

Government is the stronghold, all must obey

The laws are flimsy, there is room to play

Only fans grants value to the young and the lay

Decentralized finance, the governments worst enemy

Tik Tok grants everyone a shot at success, it must be banned, we have the final say

Internet, the savior of overpriced higher education

Airbnb, the annihilator of hotels and motels

© 2021 Prince Namwali

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Dreams don't come true, decisions do.


Welcome to my Second Brain! My name is Prince Kaizen Namwali, an Afropolitan from the warm heart of Africa. I am a Lifelong Learner, Digital Nomad & Game Dev.

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