🇵 🇰 🇳
Dreams don't come true, decisions do.

Inflammatory Questions

Inflammatory Questions

Tuesday, Feb 16, 2021

This is a list of burning questions that i have come to find answers to by reading various books, listening to podcasts and scouring the web. These questions arose because i felt that school only caused this post traumatic growth disorder. School only taught and continues to teach what the government wants you to know. Luckily enough, schools are not the gatekeepers of information. This post points you towards those resources, while giving a brief overview, not complete answers.
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Is College The Only Way?

Is College The Only Way?

Friday, Feb 5, 2021

Is College The Only Way? The simple answer is no, but lets dive deeper into why? Select Few Opt Out Drop Out Technical Answer Sometimes people will only believe something if presented the data. The challenge is to write a web scraping programming that finds information about different career choices. The program will be programmed in two ways. The first being, that it only find the career choices that dont require a degree with real stories to back the claim.
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
How Long Does It Take To Learn Programming?

How Long Does It Take To Learn Programming?

Sunday, Dec 20, 2020

Notes I believe the answer depends on the environment…. If it takes 1 year, its because you are using MacOS or Windows, i dont see why it would take long on Linux, especially Arch or an Arch based distro Or just about anything that has a steep learning curve like gentoo, openBSD … Thats my take, lets look at what other say, but lets analyze their words using neuro linguistic programming to get a better picture.
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read

© 2021 Prince Namwali

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🇵 🇰 🇳
Dreams don't come true, decisions do.


Welcome to my Second Brain! My name is Prince Kaizen Namwali, an Afropolitan from the warm heart of Africa. I am a Lifelong Learner, Digital Nomad & Game Dev.

  • OS: Artix Linux + Runit + AwesomeWM
  • Engine: Godot
  • Editor: Neovim + Spacevim & Onivim 2
  • Langs: Go, GDScript, Lua, Bash, Dart
  • Tools: Inkscape, Gimp, Aseprite, Reaper, Obsidian
  • Tech: Hugo, Flutter

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