Is College The Only Way?
@ Prince Namwali | Friday, Feb 5, 2021 | 1 minutes read | Update at Wednesday, Mar 3, 2021

Is College The Only Way?

The simple answer is no, but lets dive deeper into why?

Select Few

Opt Out

Drop Out

Technical Answer

Sometimes people will only believe something if presented the data. The challenge is to write a web scraping programming that finds information about different career choices. The program will be programmed in two ways. The first being, that it only find the career choices that dont require a degree with real stories to back the claim. The second way it will be programmed is to only find career choices were a degree is mandatory and not optional in anty form whatsoever. The keywords we are going to use include: “license”, “opt out”, “drop out”, “self taught”, ‘internship", “apprenticeship” and many more.

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