From Wu to World
@ Prince Namwali | Thursday, Dec 24, 2020 | 1 minutes read | Update at Wednesday, Mar 3, 2021

Words replace thoughts and thoughts replace action

A healthcare official getting sick is the definition of irony

Wash your hands you mortal beings and lean not on your old ways

The air is contagious, cover thy face and cover thy lungs

Covid-19 has only just begun, beware of fake news

Stress not over the things that you have not control

Doctors are not immortal

Celebrities are not gods

You might eventually get it, but what are the odds?

Use this time to learn for you might create a new path

Physically distant, but socially near

Strengthen thy connections and hold on to what is dear

© 2021 Prince Namwali

Powered by Hugo with theme Dream.

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Dreams don't come true, decisions do.


Welcome to my Second Brain! My name is Prince Kaizen Namwali, an Afropolitan from the warm heart of Africa. I am a Lifelong Learner, Digital Nomad & Game Dev.

  • OS: Artix Linux + Runit + AwesomeWM
  • Engine: Godot
  • Editor: Neovim + Spacevim & Onivim 2
  • Langs: Go, GDScript, Lua, Bash, Dart
  • Tools: Inkscape, Gimp, Aseprite, Reaper, Obsidian
  • Tech: Hugo, Flutter

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