🇵 🇰 🇳
Dreams don't come true, decisions do.

Mental Model 13: Reverse Thinking

Mental Model 13: Reverse Thinking

Wednesday, Jan 13, 2021

A great example that i like to associate with this mental model is with the question of what do you want to do when you grow up. I like to picture someone who answered with the response, Doctor. Why? Make money, the #1 response With reverse thinking its about thinking of the end in mind. A better answer to the follow up question of why would be: Find a cure for X disease Make healthcare knowledge more accessible
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Mental Model 12: BRIGHT MINDS

Mental Model 12: BRIGHT MINDS

Tuesday, Jan 12, 2021

Attributed to Dr Daniel Amen in his literary publication entitled Memory Rescue
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Mental Model 11: Compounding

Mental Model 11: Compounding

Monday, Jan 11, 2021

This is where the 10X Rule falls into place. Its mathematical Compound interest
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Mental Model 10: Law of 33%

Mental Model 10: Law of 33%

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021

This mental model is more about relationships (Tai Lopez got it from some source…)
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Mental Model 07: Regret Minimzation

Mental Model 07: Regret Minimzation

Thursday, Jan 7, 2021

This mental model asks the question will i regret not doing this in X years? If the answer is yes, go ahead and do the thing.
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read

© 2021 Prince Namwali

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🇵 🇰 🇳
Dreams don't come true, decisions do.


Welcome to my Second Brain! My name is Prince Kaizen Namwali, an Afropolitan from the warm heart of Africa. I am a Lifelong Learner, Digital Nomad & Game Dev.

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