πŸ‡΅ πŸ‡° πŸ‡³
Dreams don't come true, decisions do.

Lingua Franca

Lingua Franca

Saturday, Feb 6, 2021

Notes Neuro Linguistic Programming Bash Scripiting Go Fun Fact: Markup languaes (markdown, toml, html…) Scripting languages (Lua, bash, fish, zsh …) Programming languges (Go, Dart, Python)
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Is College The Only Way?

Is College The Only Way?

Friday, Feb 5, 2021

Is College The Only Way? The simple answer is no, but lets dive deeper into why? Select Few Opt Out Drop Out Technical Answer Sometimes people will only believe something if presented the data. The challenge is to write a web scraping programming that finds information about different career choices. The program will be programmed in two ways. The first being, that it only find the career choices that dont require a degree with real stories to back the claim.
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Unstable Productivity

Unstable Productivity

Thursday, Feb 4, 2021

I am a maverick when it comes to my software selection choice. I like to be on the bleeding edge of technology, i am never satisfied in being like everyone else that uses stable builds of an application. I like to have a taste a of the feature, bugs be damned, it wont stop me from witnessing the birth of new ideas and experiences that can only be lived by using unstable builds of software.
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Jah Patriarch

Jah Patriarch

Wednesday, Feb 3, 2021

Government is the stronghold, all must obey The laws are flimsy, there is room to play Lets make prostitution legal, the verdict - strip clubs Lets make speeding legal, the verdict - car races Lets makes stealing legal, the verdict - ethical hacking and surveillance capitalism Lets make fighting legal, the verdict MMA sports Lets make killing legal, the verdict - army, armed police & death penalty Lets make tax evasion legal.
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Global Facts v3.0

Global Facts v3.0

Tuesday, Feb 2, 2021

If you read something and don’t apply it You are no different than someone who is illiterate If you watch a video and dont apply it You are no different than someone who is blind If you listen to a podcast and dont apply it You are no different than someone who is deaf You cant consume your way to a better life, you have to create it Consumption is passive
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Nanashi Dearu Koto

Nanashi Dearu Koto

Monday, Feb 1, 2021

Generation Z is my suffix Born to swipe and masters of the art of remix A generation of lifelong learners and digital nomads Surfing the web in search of knowledge Drowning in Dapps in search for value Escaping reality in search of meaning Building the next big thing, instead of dreaming A few syllables to trigger my assistants, OK Google, Alexa and maybe Siri Instant clicks of gratification. So much information, like what in tarnation?
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read
Mental Model 24: Feynman Technique

Mental Model 24: Feynman Technique

Sunday, Jan 24, 2021

Ultimately its about teaching what you learn to others. Its an active way of learning vs passive learning (taught in schools, just consume information like robots) Choose a concept you are interested in learning The keyword is *interest , without it anything you learn wont stick Teach it to someone else I dont know the true source of the quote, but it reads “if you cant explain it a 6 year old, you dont understand it.
@ Prince Namwali
1 minute read

Β© 2021 Prince Namwali

Powered by Hugo with theme Dream.

πŸ‡΅ πŸ‡° πŸ‡³
Dreams don't come true, decisions do.


Welcome to my Second Brain! My name is Prince Kaizen Namwali, an Afropolitan from the warm heart of Africa. I am a Lifelong Learner, Digital Nomad & Game Dev.

  • OS: Artix Linux + Runit + AwesomeWM
  • Engine: Godot
  • Editor: Neovim + Spacevim & Onivim 2
  • Langs: Go, GDScript, Lua, Bash, Dart
  • Tools: Inkscape, Gimp, Aseprite, Reaper, Obsidian
  • Tech: Hugo, Flutter

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